Journeys Alexander Stoeckel Journeys Alexander Stoeckel

To Sydney and Back (PT.2)

The second part to a long winded adventure. The day was simple and blank, open to whatever I'd like to do.


Rondo and I both decided to explore Sydney, originally, Rondo was going to meet some other friends, but they were busy until the evening so we both explored, I was going to go alone, but more the merrier. I just wanted to just see the Opera House and Sydney Bridge, and just wander around.

Sydney Opera House, guess it ain't bad

Sydney Opera House, guess it ain't bad

I've been to Sydney before, and the opera house, but I was too young to remember any of it. Very elegant structure, and the bathrooms were nice, any place with decent bathrooms is awesome in my books.

Everyone's best friend

Everyone's best friend

We hoped on a ferry to Watson Bay, I must mention, the Sydney ferries are awesome, best way to get around. The bar area around Watson Bay reminds me of a place called Stanley in Hong Kong, felt more like Europe than Australia, but for some reason I felt uncomfortable, it just felt a little too nice, almost fake. Luckily, all of that is forgotten once you get to the cliffs, where meandering boardwalks and paths bring you past some amazing vistas. 

Watson Bay

Watson Bay

Such...power *biting lips* - note the cool square rock errosion

Such...power *biting lips* - note the cool square rock errosion

So...inspiring, could be a motivational poster, needs some text

So...inspiring, could be a motivational poster, needs some text

that's better

that's better

We went to Bondi Beach, this is when I found out im not a beach person, which is a pitty, it's a nice place. We went to Gelato Messina - very worth it.

That was sort of it, we continued back towards the city and wandered and ate stuff. We got back onto the train which brought us back straight to our airBnB place. I didn't really feel like taking pictures, it was nice to just chill.

Melbourne Express

We slept and we woke, the 9 hour journey back was ahead of us and we got an early start, we left just after 9 am after some breakfast.

The view for most of the way

The view for most of the way

We were both exhausted, and I felt bad that I couldn't help take over driving duties, I really need to fix that problem, but major props to Rondo for doing something so difficult, he's one of the strongest willed people I know.



the nigh slowly crawls in, we're nearing the Victorian border at this point

the nigh slowly crawls in, we're nearing the Victorian border at this point

Upon our arrival to Melbourne, to our surprise, fireworks started appearing, I guess Melbourne was just happy to see us all again, definitely not related to the Whittlesea Garden annual culture show that was happening at the time.

Rondo dropped me off at where I was staying, and we parted our ways. He always joked that now he's qualified to be a truck driver now that he has done a Melbourne to Sydney leg in one day. It was a fun trip, and most of all, it was a good way to catch a break. Hopefully there will be more journeys to come.


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